Flair Finance ensures you have the facts to make the right home loan decisions. Buying a home, whether it’s your first time or if you are an experienced buyer, is a big step and can be daunting. Here at Flair Finance, we take charge of the application process, making you feel at ease. We will be here to guide you with local knowledge and work hard to find the home loan that’s right for your circumstances. Through years of success in the industry, let Flair Finance help you! We are the experts you are looking for and is completely free of charge.
Is your dream to build your own home or investment property? We have extensive experience in construction finance and have very
Have you gone through a bad financial event in the past that has affected your credit history? Do you have defaults, experienced late
Is your bank as loyal to you as you are to them? Over the past 12 months there has been significant changes in interest rates and bank policies.
Self-employment has really changed over the years, with more and more working for themselves. Whilst being self-employed has many benefits,
Buying your first home is extremely exciting venture yet can be very daunting. We specialise in turning your dreams
Debt consolidation loans are not just for people who are struggling financially. You may be paying off several debts at varying interest rates
Investing in property, whether it’s your first or one of many, can be challenging. There is no one size lender fits all when it comes to property portfolio.
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